
What are the performance parameters to be tested before using a deceleration motor for a garage?

Taking into account the actual use of garage special gear motor conditions, the use of quality inspection must include the following items:
1, short-term overload
Garage dedicated parallel shaft gearbox single use time is generally not more than l20 seconds, while the parking spaces are limited, overload will not be too serious, and therefore only need 1.2 times the rated load, run 3 minutes, 1.5 times the rated load, run for 1 minute, No abnormal phenomenon can be.
2, protection level
Parking equipment is usually built outdoors, although the garage-specific combination worm gearbox itself is equipped with protective cover, but still dust and water, so the shell material and processing technology should be able to ensure that the protection level of not less than IP44. That can prevent the diameter or thickness of more than 1 mm wire or strip touch or close to the shell charged or rotating parts, to prevent the diameter of more than 1 mm of solid foreign body into the shell, can withstand any direction of splashing without impact.
3, radial force
helical gearboxes output shaft in the actual situation will bear the car 1.4kgf pull, and then multiplied by the safety factor of 2.5 (the device starts short-term tension greater than 1.4kgf), that is, the motor to be reduced 3.5kgf radial , The motor output shaft without harmful deformation.
4, the brake function
Parking equipment in the use of the process, the user access to the car when a sudden power failure, to the user inconvenience, and thus require the brake must be a simple tool to manually release, 1.5 times the rated load, the brake does not appear slip, braking torque greater than 2.2kgf M
5, alternating hot and humid
Test simulation of the garage dedicated gear motor environment, the worst case, the relative humidity of not less than 90%, the ambient temperature of not less than 25 ℃. Motor at 40 ℃, 6 cycles of alternating hot and humid test, the insulation resistance measurement is not less than 0.38MQ, l760V withstand voltage test does not breakdown, no flicker.


Market crisis to promote the gear motor industry to grow and develop itself

According to the current situation of the market, China's gear motor from the beginning of the development of China to today, in fact, the effect is not very significant, the manufacturing model has not changed, compared with this model, many foreign High Power Gearbox companies They rely on technology, management, capital and other advantages to obtain a unique market share, and gradually enter the Chinese gear reduction motor market. The face of foreign products in China gear motor market, a strong preemptive, China's gear motor industry is facing a serious market crisis, and this crisis is also greatly stimulated by domestic enterprises to promote the formation of a counter Competition model, and gradually in the technology, management has increased investment, and strive to form a counter to foreign products, to defend the domestic gear motor market.
Domestic gear motor manufacturers this passive contend, although you can temporarily keep the market share, but it is not a long time, we need to change the passive, not only to hold the original share, but also to actively explore new markets, Expand business channels. And want to open up a broader market, we must first ensure their own development. For gear motor manufacturers, the first thing to do is to develop production, whether it is technology or management have formed a certain advantage, while stepping up the pace of independent research and development. At the same time is to continue to grow in the process of creating their own gear motor brand, and learn to use the brand effect, because we know that the influential brand is the most effective weapon products, but also has an important symbol of the right to speak. To create enough to contend with the brand is the focus of worm reducer gearbox companies, but also for the development of active attack opened a new channel, in this form, out of the low-end market will be just around the corner.


Do not do that again, this is the correct use of gear motor

Gear WAH hypoid gearbox use skills:
1, in the gear after the operation of 200 ~ 300 hours, should be the first oil change, the use of the future should be regularly check the quality of oil, mixed with impurities or deterioration of oil to be replaced. Under normal circumstances, for long-continuous continuous gear motor, according to the operation of 5000 hours or once a year to replace the new oil, PC Helical Gearbox gear, before re-operation should also replace the new oil, not with different grades of oil phase Mixed with the same grade and different viscosity of the oil allowed to mix.
2. The gears should wait for the combination gearbox to cool down without burning hazard, but should remain warm, because after the complete cooling, the viscosity of the oil increases and the oil is difficult. Note: to cut off the power supply to prevent inadvertently power!
3. Work, when the oil temperature rise above 80 ℃ or oil tank temperature exceeds 100 ℃ and produce abnormal noise and other phenomena should stop using, check the reasons, must be troubleshooting, the replacement of lubricants before they can continue to run.
4. The user should have a reasonable use of gears to maintain gear motor regulation system, the industrial gearbox types operation and inspection found in the problems should be carefully recorded, the above provisions should be strictly enforced.


Gear gear motor

The choice of grease according to the Hypoid Reducer bearing load selection grease, the heavy load should be selected into the small grease. In addition to high pressure under the work of small, but also a higher oil film strength and extreme pressure function. Calculate the grease based on environmental conditions, calcium-based grease is not easy to dissolve in water, suitable for dry and less water environment. When the grease is selected according to the working temperature, the main index should be the dropping point, the oxidation stability and the low temperature function. The dropping point can generally be used to evaluate the high temperature function. The actual working temperature mechanical variable speed gearbox of the bearing should be lower than the dropping point 10-20 ℃. The use of synthetic grease temperature should be lower than the drop point 20-30 ℃.


The purpose and principle of the choice of gear motor protection

The purpose of the use of hypoid gearbox protection, both to make the motor fully play the overload capacity, but also from damage, but also to improve the reliability of electric drive system and production continuity. At the same time select the protection device, you must consider several contradictory factors, namely, reliability, economy, simple structure, operation, easy maintenance and so on. In order to meet the requirements of the helical worm gearmotor, consider the simplest protection device, only when the simple protection device can not meet the requirements, or to protect the characteristics of higher requirements, consider the application of complex PC gear box protection device.


Why the traditional gear motor protection device protection effect is not ideal?

The traditional PC gear reducer protection device to fuse, thermal relay-based. Fuse is the use of the earliest and most simple gear motor protection device. In fact, the fuse is mainly used for short-circuit fault, the protection of power lines, reducing the scope of the expansion of the fault. That the fuse can protect the motor short circuit or overload, do not press the motor starting current selection fuse, but by the rated current to choose, is not scientific. Do not you know that this is more likely to cause the gear motor to be disconnected due to phase failure.
Thermal relay is the most widely used large industrial gearbox overload protection device. But the thermal relay function is single, low sensitivity, error, poor stability, has been recognized for the majority of electrical workers, all of these defects caused by gear motor protection is not reliable. This is precisely the case; although many devices installed thermal relay, but the damage to the motor and affect the normal production of the phenomenon is still widespread.
Therefore, users of the variable gear motor in the choice of protection, should take full account of the actual situation of the motor when the gear, select the most suitable for use of the motor protection gear. With the change of the times, the traditional gear motor protection technology is also innovative, more and more perfect performance, including the upgrading of traditional technology in the gear motor protection, functionality and adaptability and service life has become perfect, But relative to the price. These gear motor protection are available for users to choose!