
Gear protection motor is usually the key to protection

 1, the mechanical variable speed gearbox should always clean the oil, dust, keep clean, to facilitate heat.
 2, oil seal damage to timely replacement.
 3, should always check the oil level, if the oil should be insufficient to make up.
 4, smooth oil should be replaced regularly: the new machine in the top of the application, the operation 7 to 15 days after the need to replace the smooth oil, the future use of the machine according to the situation in 3
To 6 months to replace once. It should be noted that in the oil when the power to intercept, to ensure safety. When looking at the oil, if found smooth oil significantly dirty, the main
Please replace it quickly.
 5, not the same quality of the smooth oil to pay attention to, can not be mixed use.
 6, the use of industrial gearbox types and protection in accordance with the instructions for the use of motor.
 7, the operation, when the oil temperature rise above 80 ℃ or oil tank temperature exceeds 100 ℃ and the occurrence of abnormal noise and other scenes should stop using, see the
Su, it is necessary to remove the fault, replace the smooth oil before they can continue to operate.
 8, the user should have a reasonable use of protective rules and regulations, the operation of the gear motor and the problems found in the inspection should be carefully documented, the above rules
Should be strictly enforced.

