
What is the oil added to the cycloid reducer at the factory?

If the factory refueling, then, are generally grease, the use of molybdenum disulfide-2 or ZL-2 lithium grease and other grease
Because the factory single stage gearbox in order to facilitate handling and transport. Generally do not inject lubricants, before the injection of lubricants, recommended at room temperature using N150 extreme pressure industrial gear oil. Lubricant replacement cycle: reducer in the initial operation after 200 hours to be the first to replace the oil, the replacement should be to the residual oil. After the initial oil change, after continuous work every day lO hours or more Cycloidal Speed Reducer Gearbox. Should be replaced every 3 months of lubricants, work every day not more than 10 hours of reducer, should be replaced every 6 months a lubricant. Long-term use of the combined gearbox (usually more than 12 months) before re-use, you must replace the oil, different types of lubricants can not mix!

