
Analysis of Oil Leakage of Reducer

        Reducer is a relatively accurate machinery, are generally used to reduce speed and increase torque. Now a lot of the machinery industry is gradually are inseparable gear, use gear reducer too often will lead to a lot of health, then simply we analyze leakage causes cycloidal gear reducer.
        1, a pressure difference: gear during operation, friction and heat, and affected by the environmental temperature, the temperature rise will lead reducer, no holes, it would lead to the gradual increase in pressure inside the machine, the lubricating oil to It will leak from the crevice.
        2, the structure of the gear design is unreasonable
        1) cover is too thin, the bolts will be easier after deformation, resulting in uneven joint surface, it will spill from the contact gap;
        2) in the manufacturing process of the mounted reducer, no annealing or aging treatment, not eliminate stress, so some will be deformed, resulting in a gap, resulting in leakage;
        3) did not return on the sump tank, lubricating oil accumulate to cover and when combined with the surface, under the pressure differential will leak out from the gap;
        3, injection oil volume too: gear during operation, the oil tank is agitated badly, lubricating oil in the machine will be flying everywhere, if an excessive amount of fuel, there will be a lot of oil accumulation in the seal, combining face and other places, resulting in oil spills.
        4, improper maintenance process: When equipment maintenance, since the bonding surface of the dirt removal is not complete, seal direction hold against, not timely replacement of seals, etc. can also cause oil spills.


Planetary gear reducer fitted Guide

Proper installation, use and maintenance of planetary gear reducer is to ensure that an important part of the normal operation of machinery and equipment, and therefore, when the installation of the planetary gear reducer, be sure to strictly follow the planetary gear reducer fitted guide carefully to install and use .
first step:
Must be confirmed before installing the motor and the planetary gear unit is intact, and carefully check the dimensions of parts and gear motors connected to match.
Step two:
Remove the outer planetary Wuma Reducer screw holes on the dust, and adjust the PCS system clamping ring and its side holes and dust holes are aligned, tighten the inner hexagonal insert, remove the last motor shaft key.
third step:
The planetary gear reducer and motor natural connection, the connection must be consistent when the input shaft concentricity of the planetary gear reducer output shaft of the motor. If the concentricity is inconsistent, it will cause the motor shaft to break or wear worm reducer gearbox.
      In addition, the installation of the planetary gear reducer, and so can not use iron hammer were hitting, prevent axial and radial force is too large, resulting in bearing or gear damage. And be sure to tighten the screws after the installation, and then tightly screw the bolt force. Before installation, the motor input shaft, positioning boss and reducer to connect parts of the anti-rust oil wipe clean with gasoline or zinc sodium and water. Its purpose is to ensure tightness and flexibility of operation connection and prevent unnecessary wear and tear.


Hardened reducer and the difference between soft tooth surface reducer

According to the gear reducer gear surface hardness of size, we will be divided into gear reducer combined worm reducer and soft tooth surface reducer. In shape and structure, there is no difference between them is almost mainly differ in post-processing and the worm gear forging material, resulting in a load of two different products, life and range.
Generally speaking, high-power gear reducer gears are made of high hardness materials, such as steel 45, after carburizing quenching process, the hardness reach 350HBS, reaching above the hardness of gear reducer is said the Hardened gear reducer. Hardened gear reducer gear not only high hardness, hardness of the input shaft and the output shaft is higher than ordinary gear reducer much as power, which box is made of cast iron forging material, can well cope produce high vibration and impact loads. Extend the life of the instrument is more suitable for high load.
Soft tooth surface is an ordinary family, not through the hardness of gear machining accuracy or did not meet the requirements of the hardened product. Soft tooth surface Cycloidal Speed Reducer Gearbox broad range of applications using a variety of packaging machines, conveyors and other smaller power a wide range of instruments. The process is simple, relatively cheap price also load customer requirements, is the most used product on the market.
When buying gear reducer, we must first find out whether their choice of products to meet the requirements, Hardened reducer soft tooth surface reducer and machine functions are the same, only the use of a high power, high load, Common soft tooth surface gear products sufficient to deal with.


Hardened reducer wear treatment

As an essential component screw lifts and other transmission products, Hardened reducer stability of the entire transmission system plays a decisive role. If in the case of the buying process, the purchase does not meet the requirements of hardness cycloidal reducers, or overload will accelerate wear hardened gear, which will affect the normal operation of the transmission system.
A: prolonged use of the main performance failure: the process of using vibration reducer enhancement, noise increases.
Two: there may be some parts have been damaged gear: gear tooth wear, gear shaft bore and keyway subjected to wear; screw holes at the bearing hole because of wear can easily lead screw loose; the shaft surface and the keyway is also very easy to use because the time is too long which causes wear.
Three: Repair mode: restorative Hardened reducer is not at all have the technical strength and maintenance repair, but if it is large-scale equipment, maintenance of the parts will be able to find targeted repair.
(1) If it is because shaft mounted speed reducer shaft wear surface of the shaft hole keyway and other places, we can take the electroplating method to recover part of the original accuracy.
(2) If the machine Hardened reducer tooth broken, it can only replace the new part of. Hardened reducer in order to ensure the life cycle, we buy when Hardened reducer, be sure to choose the right model, thus ensuring the safety factor Hardened reducer, you must also strictly comply with the operating instructions for the hard tooth surface reducer can achieve the greatest effect.


Worm reducer noise What solutions

Worm reducer gearbox rotation when the gear engagement when a loud noise, which has been a difficult technical problem to solve. Want to solve the problem of Cycloidal Speed Reducer Gearbox must find the time to solve the noise generated by the gear mesh. Many people in the choice of gear unit when they are looking to buy low-noise or silent. Analysis of the reasons for the gear noise, from a process point of view can be controlled by the base section of the control gear and radial deviation measures such operations.
1. Control deviation based on the noise section
Capstan driven wheel is greater than the base section of the base section when this will help to reduce noise gears, but also through improved process methods and means of detection, the noise capstan wheel base section made larger, and from the wheels the base section made smaller.
2. driven wheel rim repair
In order to reduce the driven wheel engaging a top edge to generate impact, usually taken to repair edge approach is to cut off the top part of the driven wheels, so when changing gear, you can reduce the impact, thereby reducing noise.
3. Control profile error
Tooth form errors are diverse, tooth form error probability of error of various industrial systems synthesis, is more complex, but it should be noted that the base circle gear is determined only parameter of the involute If at the time of processing, the base circle will produce some errors, tooth will certainly produce some errors.
4. Control gear runout
Gear runout will cause shock waves, it will lead to backlash change, resulting in noise. Gear is a gear runout processing must ensure that the basic requirements, if you want to ensure precision gear, it is reasonable to determine the positioning reference tooth machining and installation is very important.
5. reduce tooth surface roughness
The surface roughness also affects tooth gear noise, in general, tooth surface roughness is low, the tooth surface friction coefficient is small, the gear noise is low.