
Hardened reducer and the difference between soft tooth surface reducer

According to the gear reducer gear surface hardness of size, we will be divided into gear reducer combined worm reducer and soft tooth surface reducer. In shape and structure, there is no difference between them is almost mainly differ in post-processing and the worm gear forging material, resulting in a load of two different products, life and range.
Generally speaking, high-power gear reducer gears are made of high hardness materials, such as steel 45, after carburizing quenching process, the hardness reach 350HBS, reaching above the hardness of gear reducer is said the Hardened gear reducer. Hardened gear reducer gear not only high hardness, hardness of the input shaft and the output shaft is higher than ordinary gear reducer much as power, which box is made of cast iron forging material, can well cope produce high vibration and impact loads. Extend the life of the instrument is more suitable for high load.
Soft tooth surface is an ordinary family, not through the hardness of gear machining accuracy or did not meet the requirements of the hardened product. Soft tooth surface Cycloidal Speed Reducer Gearbox broad range of applications using a variety of packaging machines, conveyors and other smaller power a wide range of instruments. The process is simple, relatively cheap price also load customer requirements, is the most used product on the market.
When buying gear reducer, we must first find out whether their choice of products to meet the requirements, Hardened reducer soft tooth surface reducer and machine functions are the same, only the use of a high power, high load, Common soft tooth surface gear products sufficient to deal with.

